Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Need for Speed: Undercover (PC, 2008)

Years ago, I picked up Need for Speed: Undercover for my Wii. At the time, I haven't played any of the previous entries in the series, but I knew NFS had a good track record up to that point. After the first mission, I never progressed in the story anymore; there were just too many games I wanted to play instead. Every once in a while, I would insert the disc into my Wii, do a few races, and drive around the city, but I really don't remember doing much else. Because of that, I decided to put the game in my backlog so I could finally finish it. So, find your car keys (they're between the couch cushions), and let me tell you about this game!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Adventure Story (PC, 2019)

When I got my GPD XD+ last year, one of the goals I set for myself was to start completing games. There are still a lot of games I started playing without ever finishing them. Alongside my spreadsheet to keep track of my lengthy backlog, I started using HowLongToBeat. I used the site in the past, but only to see how long a game was. One day I clicked on the forum tab out of curiosity and noticed the blog section. At the time there were probably around seven different blogs; all made for the purpose of reviewing the games in that user's backlog. One I would read a lot was a blog by someone named letstalkaboutdune. I'm not really sure what about it caught my eye (maybe the name?), but his blog was a big inspiration for me to start mine. I even ripped him off in a lot of ways. Just put one of my reviews next to his and you'll see the resemblance. Especially with the older ones... Anyway, I found out that he made a game demo and thought why not review it?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Ys II Chronicles (PSP, 2009)

At long last, I finally beat Ys II! The review of the first game was written last April (I switched blogs), and I intended to write the review for Ys II not long after. But here we are in February of 2021. Looking through my old posts, I originally started the game around the time I posted the Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores review. Because many things have happened in my life since May, I stopped playing and didn't pick it up again until November. Even though I didn't get far the first time, I restarted the game to remember everything.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

My Top 10 Games I Played in 2020

Now that 2020 has come to a close, I want to look back on the games I played throughout the year. I set a goal to complete at least 20 games for the year, and I achieved it with 23. 18 of them have been reviewed on this blog, so this list will be of those games, instead of including the other 5. I plan on replaying four of those games to write reviews for them, while one is the SUPERHOT Prototype I talked about in the review of the full game. For games I played with expansions, I'll only choose one of the games within them. Anyway, let's get started with...

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mountain Crime: Requital (PC, 2011)

In 2018 I found out how to (legally) get free Steam games. Either from a site where you have to do a few things to get the game's key or just a game that's free on Steam for a limited time. Mountain Crime: Requital was one of those games I got for free and I actually didn't play it until now. Now that I think about it, I don't think I played any of the free games I have. I... might be a hoarder...

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Dadish (Android, 2020)

Rating: 9/10
How many unplanned game reviews have I done now? Well, I guess this is yet another one. I was talking to a friend a few months ago and they told me about Dadish, so I gave it a shot and liked it.