Rating: 9.5/10
What can I really say about Plague of Shadows that hasn’t already been said in my Shovel of Hope review? Shovel Knight is already a well made indie title, and this expansion is no exception. Plague of Shadows is pretty much the base game with a new story, new mechanics, and of course, you play as the devious eponymous villain.

+ A new playing style
+ There’s a few new songs exclusively for this campaign
- Plague Knight’s mechanics definitely takes some getting used to
- There isn’t a lot of new content
Final Thoughts:
Like I said before, there isn’t much to talk about that hasn’t been said before. It had a lot of interesting ideas that I liked, but I honestly wish it did more. Being underneath the first village is one of those ideas and I really wish there was more to do aside from shop and talk to a few people. Yes, I know Shovel of Hope was similar, but at least there were more people and even a minigame you could play. Another neat idea was having Plague Knight’s story happen concurrently to Shovel Knight’s. Aside from a few battles, all you do is say “hi” to Shovel Knight. It’s fair since you never interacted with Plague Knight aside from two battles, but I wish you could do something to meddle with the blue hero from afar. So do I recommend Plague of Shadows? Definitely! Even though I have a few gripes, it was still a fun game. Give it a try if you’re a completionist or even just want to get more from Yacht Club’s flagship indie title.

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